
Dance Ice Gymnastics Sportswear

Girls Clothing - Sleeved crop tops

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Item: 3359

Size: 8


Item: 3493

Size: 10


Item: 3512

Size: 10


Item: 3630

Size: 8


Item: 3631

Size: 8


Item: 3632

Size: 8


Item: 3633

Size: 8


Page: 1

Insignias Cave men painted over their bodies Fibers Natural Fibers Man-made Fibers Cellulosic/Plant Fibers Animal Fibers Mineral Fibers Natural Rubber Seed Hair Bast Hair Leaf Fiber Nut Husk Animal Hair Animal Secretion Wool Silk Cotton Flax Pineapple Coir Asbestos Rubber Man-made Cellulosic Man-made Modified Cellulosic Man-made Non Cellulosic Man-made Minerals Acetate Nylon & Polyester Glass Rayon FIBER CLASSIFICATION Questions: PART I Objective questions: 1. Clothes are mainly used to (a) cover the body (b) attractive (c) comfort and protection (d) identity 2. Eskimos use (a) helmets (b) bullet proofs (c) robes (d) fur 3. Insignias means (a) decoration (b) badges (c) uniforms (d) fur 4. Football players wear (a) asbestos clothing (b) fur (c) protective padding (d) robes 5. Uniforms are worn by (a) Athletic teams (b) Kings (c) Queens (d) Eskimos Answer in one or two words: 1. Define Clothing.

d. Tepchi: Tepchi is a simple running (darning) stitch, used to fill the straight or curved lines in the floral design. It is mainly used to give the outlines for the design. It is a flat style. e. Button hole stitch: This is used to cover small floral motifs. Closed blanket stitch is usually used for this.